Thursday, 31 December 2020

Day 85 : Alcohol, Chistmas, New year and fighting the mind demon

Around mid October, I have make the decision that I would stop drinking alcohol for 3 months. When I was on a trip in Texas, I was chatting with someone that is very advanced in her Desteni process and walk herself the point of stopping alcohol. I didn't had a hard time to stop drinking during those 3 months because I was focus on multiple project and moving forward with my business. When I shared with her my process of stopping for 3 months, she suggest to me to stop for an entire years. When she suggest that to me, the addiction programming really kicked in and I had massive amount of resistance. The backchat immediately start to come up. '' 1 years, are you crazy, I don't want to stop one year, Christmas is coming, I cannot not drink at Christmas! I love drinking, I don't want to give it up for so long, I want to be able to drink a cup of wine if I go on a date, fuck this, I don't want to give up drinking a refreshing cold IPA during the next summer etc. 

When she look at how I react, she say that it was now clear to her that it must be the point that I must give up in order for me to unlock all the other points that I am suppressing. When I was looking myself with self honesty, I was able to see that she was right. I could clearly saw how this addiction was holding me back in many area of my life. In 2020 I have push myself beyond my limitation. I have push through my preprogramming to some extent, and when I step out of my preprogramming in some case I will experience massive resistance. When I have successfully walked through it, I did experience permanent change to some extend, but what I realize is that in some case, instead of pushing through that resistance, I used alcohol to try to get a release from my mind. So instead of facing the point, I was pushing on the reset every single time and therefore failed to change the programming. 

So in self-honesty, I knew I changed a lot, but how much more could I change if I would fully walk through that resistance instead of using alcohol to release myself from it. The thing is that the issue was way deeper than I thought 

After she saw my reaction, she suggest me to read 2 blogs from creation journey to life.

In those blogs, Bernard explain that during our entire life we create what he call a ''suppressed personality''. That suppressed personality is like an entity/mind demon made of suppressed energy. When we drink alcohol it activated that entity. We are virtually possessed by that mind demon. 

That was painful for me to read and I REALLY resist those blog. Here's why. It's only when I was drinking that I was fully feeling ''myself''. What I was thinking to be myself was just an energetic entity made of suppressed energy. What a shock for me to realize that I never really experience myself as who I really am. As I start to observe other people around me getting drunk, I realized that I was not alone in this. People become virtually possessed when they are drunk. I can see a complete shift in their behavior that's no different at all than the kind of possession that we can see in the movie. 

In completely honesty even knowing all of that, I still didn't want to stop. The mind kicked in again, the backchat, the emotional reaction, the physical reaction etc. But who the fuck is talking? me or a fucking mind demon made of suppressed energy ? 

It's then become quite obvious that having an entity within myself made of suppressed energy wasn't my optimal situation. The other thing that become obvious was that I couldn't deal with that if I would keep drinking because otherwise I would just keep repeat the same cycle. 

Anyway, mid December came and I complete my 3 months challenge, but I didn't celebrate by getting drunk. I didn't really notice, because I was focus on project, but them Christmas came. 

Now for me spending Christmas with my family was a massive trigger generator. They had wine during the dinner, some of the best beers during the evening, some of the finest liquor. 

People offering me drink and beer, I had to decline over and over again even if my body was fucking craving it. I could smell the aroma of the IPA from their glasses. That trigger various memories within myself. Just to pain the picture, I cannot go and barricade myself in a room and do self-forgiveness, it's Christmas, so I stay there with them and I fight against my own mind demon. Then at some point, I get a bit bored. I know that drinking alcohol would allow me to relax and have fun, but I make the decision that I would not drink. I ended up getting over being bored. At some point we play some board game and I had a great time. That physical activity allow myself to get out of my mind. The interesting thing is when it's getting late and I see everyone totally drunk, I don't have any desire to be like them anymore. They process things very slowly, they can barely have a conversation, they are very emotional for stupid stuff etc. I can now see the mind demons in other people. And for the first time in that evening, I feel quite good about myself for not getting drunk. 

The day after, while everyone was hangover, I was alert and I was working on some project that I am passionate about. Stuff that actually matter. 

I had to walk through that experience 4 times during Christmas and the New years party. I wish I could tell it was easier and easier. It wasn't. The alcohol programming is so engrained within me that the same pattern repeat itself every single party. Because I started DIPpro, I could understand clearly the connection between the triggers and how it was manifesting in my conscious/subconscious/unconscious mind. 

Now I have the tool so I can work through it. Since this is a big point for me, I will need to dig deeper. Because not drinking is surface stuff, I need to use the tools to expose all that stuff that I have suppressed within myself over the last 30 years. 

Now let's do a bit of SF 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that alcohol was allowing to be myself when in fact was I thought was myself was in fact a mind demon made of suppressed energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist quitting alcohol 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that my life would miss something without alcohol 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear giving up alcohol 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate excitement with alcohol 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that my life would be boring without alcohol 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use alcohol to get a release from my mind without realizing that I was just in fact postponing the problem by doing a mind-reset 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use alcohol to avoid discomfort

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use  alcohol to feel alive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how much alcohol fuck with my physical body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to drink to generate mental energy instead of focusing on creating real value in this world 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny the consequence of alcohol on the physical body 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in order to sort out that suppressed energy within myself, I must stop drinking long enough so I can really face those point

When I find myself craving alcohol, I stop and breath

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Day 84: We can't go back, let's move forward

2020 is coming to an end. For most people that was the year where everything collapse. For me that was the year that accelerate my individual process. As everything start to collapse around me, I had 2 options. Collapse with the system, or stand as a self-leader as living example of integrity. At some point it was quite obvious that the elite would not back up this time. We all have secretly the desire that everything will go back to normal, just like that by magic. Unfortunately, it's time more than ever to give up all hope. 

I have make the decision to give up hope around 1 years ago. From a certain perspective, it was hard to give it up, because once you give up hope you must take responsibility for absolutely everything in this world. The poverty, the abuse, the violence and all the horrible stuff that's happening in this world in the name of self-interest. How could a single human being could handle that much responsibility? 

Even if I didn't feel that I could do anything about any of those global problem, I knew one thing. I knew that it was possible for an individual to change. I see so many people using the Desteni tool really changing their life and I had my own experience to know first hand that human nature can change. So hope was no longer a strategy. 

There's this old concept that say that : With great power comes great responsibility. What people never want to talk about is the fact that we have no power to change anything without taking responsibility. Everything is in reverse. With great responsibility comes great power ! 

So I should never be afraid to take more responsibility. The ''pandemic'' really give me the opportunity to do so. 

Now more than ever it's easy to '' give up my life'' or in another word '' giving up my self-interest'' it's easier to focus on what really matter. 

If I still postponed standing up, walking my process, and become a living example of integrity, I cannot complain about the outcome. The elite are not afraid of responsibility, that's why they are able to direct virtually everything in this world. If I keep walking my process and I proof to myself that I can be trusted with power and influence, I should not be afraid to become equal to them so I can be in a greater position of directing this world towards what's best for all life. Therefore I must embrace responsibility. If I can't handle it, I must change so I can handle more because time is running out. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I must move fast

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that thinking that I have more than enough time to change the system was a form of hope where I wasn't willing to take absolute 100% self-responsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear taking more responsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear giving up my self interest

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not trust myself to take more responsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if it's to be, it's up to me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the simplicity of the principle of accumulation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be obsess on the bigger picture and stop focusing on the simplicity of the 1+1=2 equation

I commit myself to stop the fear of responsibility

I commit myself to stand as a living example of integrity

I commit myself to not let the external event deviate me from my life purpose

I commit myself to show to the world what's possible when you have access and use the Desteni tool

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Day 83 : The beginning of DIP pro

I have started the DIPpro recently. 

I was pretty satisfied with the results that I was having with the DIPlite, and all the other Desteni matherial and tools that I had access to. 

I was starting to feel that I was virtually limitless. 

Interestingly enough, I quickly realize that I was lying to myself when I find myself in a situation where I feel completely blocked/stuck emotionally. I didn't how to deal with this massive emotional reaction on the moment. Every time I face a wall in my life, it bring me point into the space of raw self-honesty, where I must confront the fact that I am still incredibly limited despite how much progress I have done. 

 One thing about me is I hate being limited, so when I realize that I am limiting myself, I ask myself what can I do about that. At this point in my process, the answer was obvious to me. It was time for me to start the DIPpro. 

Only the first lesson completely blown my mind. I realize how little I was actually understanding about the mind. I was talking about the conscious/subconscious/unconscious mind without really having any real understanding of how it was actually working. 

This new vocabulary allowed me to see first hand the process that's going on within myself when I am triggered. That alone increase my self-awareness dramatically. I was able to see the reaction evolving within myself and redirecting myself through breathing. When I was writing on a specific point it was way more effective and I was actually going somewhere instead of just writing some random stuff. 

I then realize that what was missing for me was a STRUCTURED way of change. And that's why DIPpro is so awesome to me. It take me a while to get started, but I will stick to it. At this point in time, I will start increase the amount of responsibilities so I can lead more people to lead themselves. If I am not walking my process simultaneously, I could collapse. By staying consistent with my process, I also ensure that my ego will not take over my integrity. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I have figure it out 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I didn't need DIPpro

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to invest into DIPpro 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the DIPpro is the most advance structured way of change available on the planet.

I commit myself to complete my DIPpro, no matter how long it take, no matter how challenging it is. 

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Day 82 : 13. My Physical Body is My Temple

13. My Physical Body is My Temple

I honour and support my physical body as an expression of me. I nurture it and care for it in order to ensure my best possible expression in this life. I take into consideration the impact of thoughts and emotions on the physical body and within this I commit myself to practice self-awareness and self-care through not only diet and physical wellness but also internal stability and clarity. ( Source : 

My health research led me to realize that the the physical body is run by an incredible intelligence that go way beyond the mind. Instead of trying to to figure out how to heal, I realize that they mains keys for the optimal functioning of my physical body was to provide it with the proper fuel and make sure I am not interfering with that intelligence that run everything within my physical body. 

I have for a long time, thought that I could use my mind to heal my physical body, what I end up realizing later was that my mind was in fact interfering with my natural ability to heal. If I cut my finger, my body is already working on healing it and the entire process is beyond what I can conceive in my mind. That was arrogant to think that my mind had anything to do with that. 

Everyone know that stress is very destructive for the physical body, what nobody talk about is where does that stress come from. That's why the DIP is key to reprogram myself as what's best for all life is a vital key to be healthy, because disease is the incorrect programming of the words into the flesh where all that's life is considered or realized. Nobody will ever figure this out on their own. A structed way of change is require so we can understand how the mind works, how the body works, how reality works, hoe we have been programmed and how to correct that. There's no self-development course out there that teach the full process of how everything work. Therefore in order to really addresses the root cause of stress, the Desteni tools are require.

The next points is to understand to do basic nutrition about what's optimal for our physical body and what should be avoid. 

One of the best advice that I receive was to eat what's the closest as nature instead for us, because life know better than us. Depending of where we lived and our genetic makeup, we all have different needs, so there's not one recipe that will fit for everyone. We have to investigate everything, to be aware that the desire of profits have take over our food industries. So we must investigate all thing with common sense, and keep what's best. 

I could sum up everything by that. In order to take care of my physical body, I must feed it with the proper nutrition, drink enough water, rest when needed and the most important thing of all walking my process so I can calibrated my mind to do what's best and therefore stop the parasitical mind to consume my physical body. I must acknowledge that my body is important and must be taking care of in order for me to fulfill my fullest potential within this life. I remember one great quotes from the Dr Marshall : '' there's no super achiever with a migraine'' Therefore it's important to take care of the body, if I want to have the greatest impact possible within this life, because my time here is limited. 


Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Day 81 : 12. The Principle of Visibly Living the Principles

Actively living the proof of what can be accomplished when individuals live their potential by ensuring that these principles come through in all that I do, in all areas of my life, so that the example I set for others always stands for What is Best for All. ( source:

When someone is willing to stand up as what's is best for all life, he give others the permission to do so. I have been inspired to walk my own process because I have see the results of it in other's people life. I noticed within those that have worked on changing their structural resonance since a while, that they had a very level of emotional stability. What really hit me was the level of authenticity that was coming from them. The proof was in the pudding. 

At that moment in my life, I didn't really understand how the Desteni tools would be different than any other things that I had ever tried in my life. I tried virtually everything in my life and I was affraid that this would also be a waste of time. After fews months using the tools, I had enough clarity to see how effective they were. 

Overtime, I get more and more clarity and I could see how the Desteni message was making so much sense. I didn't had to believe anything, I was just observing with common sense, how we could actually solve the problem of this world. I remember in one audio Bernard say the the Desteni message is the hardest message on earth to bring to other people. With great power came great responsibility. Once you take the red pill, you cannot go back. I couldn't do like cipher in the matrix and go back to the delusion of the mind. 

Since I couldn't go back, I had to move forwards. The only way out was to create a world that's best for all. My only way out was to walk my own individual process.

I had to find out what my real potential was and not the bullshit that have been programmed into me by the personal development industry. 

So I started to talk my process more and more seriously, I fall many many times, but I always get back up. 
I already been on the road of self-interest for long enough to know that it's a dead end. Like in the matrix '' You have been down that road before'' I knew I had no future on that road. 

As I am writing those words, I am walking my process since almost 2 years, and I had proof to myself and others around me that it's possible to change. It will take time to deal with all the point, but I can still stand up right now within my current limitation as what's best for all. I will fall again, I will make mistake, but I will never give up until my last breath on this planet. 

Monday, 7 December 2020

Day 80 : 11. The Principle of Relationships as Agreements

11. The Principle of Relationships as Agreements

Individuals coming together to support the manifestation of the best possible versions of ourselves and each other. Nurturing each other's potential and supporting one another to transform weaknesses into strengths. Creating a safe space for the healthy expression of intimacy and sexuality. ( source: 

My last relationship wasn't based on agreement at all. It was purely based on feelings. The problems with that is that feeling have no structure, so when that fussy feeling of love that make us feel warm inside disappear, the relationship collapse. 

We were not focus on nurturing each other potential, our focus was to nurture our own self interest. It's almost if we were both having in the back of our mind : '' how much can I take from this person so I can generate that feeling of love that make me feel really good'' That was fucked. 

Now after a while walking my process for a while, I can see why relationships based on principles are a very solid foundation for a stable relationship, because principle are stable, feelings are not. How could we build a skyscraper without a solid foundation. 

Now it's seems easy on paper, but in real life application it's a constant process of self-introspection where I will have to investigate every point within me where I will have the desire to put ''me'' first instead of ''what's best for both of us'' first. The good thing is that I have all the tools available to walk through those point.   


Sunday, 6 December 2020

Day 79 : 10 the principle of honouring life in all forms


10. Honouring Life in all forms

I expand my awareness and responsibility to consider and create the best possible life for everyone and everything from the large to the small. ( source : 

In order for me to honor all life, I must be clear about what life actually is. I remember talking with a guy fews years ago. I was explaining to him that tree was alive. I look at me very confuse and say to me that tree are not really alive lol. 

To make it simple, I can simply look at the balance that exist within nature. All system are interdependant and connected together. Even if everything follow a specific set of programs, nature is very balanced compare to the world of the human rules by the mind. 

A good starting point is to be aware of everything that exist in the physical and observe how I as individual impact those things. Do I support the physical or do I abuse it. 

On a smaller scale, I can look at my own physical body. If I seek energy like a crack addict, it's obvious that my physical body will deteriorate itself. It's well known that stress deteriorate the physical body and accelerate the aging process like crazy. What it's not that well known is where does the stress actually come from. As I start walking my process with Desteni, I realize how little I actually know about the mind and his structure. I realize that I was programmed to abuse life. Everything was automated. 

Then I can expand my awareness to all the human being and see how I impact them. I must be honest with myself. It's not easy to admit that my participation in the money system is creating poverty on the other side of the world. It's not easy to acknowledge the suffering that I am creating for other when I chose to seek my own self-interest, but it's necessary, if I want to stop the abuse. 

Then I can expand my awareness to the animals and see how much suffering we have created within the animals kingdoms in the name of our self-interest. A great example is that we put animals in zoo where animals can never truly live as their full potential all of it for us to generate a feeling. We have reduce something beautiful to consumerism all of it for our own self interest. I could also speak about the atrocious condition that animals have to go through in the mass meat production industries. If we would raise and slaughter the animals that we are eating, we would probably not wasted as much as we do now. I don't talk about going vegan here, I talk about understanding how I as individual participate in the abuse. 

Then I can expand my awareness to the nature ( plants, water, minerals etc). We are all dependant from nature to survive. The tree for example are recycling our CO2 and converting it to oxygen. In the name of profit, we have decimated nature and we keep doing it. Here the abuse is obvious. How many tree are use to print newspapers? All of it to make sure everybody stay brainwash into consumerism. 100% of it could go digital and we could stop cutting tree for that specific purpose, but a good old paper journal in the home is more effective to fulfill his purpose. 

All of that bring us to the money system. First I must investigate how I participate in seeking my self interest. On a bigger scale, we must address the money system that lead us to compete with each other and seek our self-interest. What can I do now? I must walk my own individual process and remove all the points of abuse that exist within me. Then I must stand with a group so we can adress the system. 

Friday, 4 December 2020

Day 78 : 9.The Principle of Making Love Real

9. The Principle of Making Love Real

Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an action sthat is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.( source : 

Few years ago, I have been into my love and light phase, where I was convinced that ''sending'' love was having a positive impact on the world. I mean I studied the work of Emoto and saw how the word ''love'' was creating the perfect beautiful structure of water crystal. When I look back, I realize that my love and light phase was the greatest phase of self-interest I have ever gone through. I could I pretend that love would solves things like poverty when I myself was relying on having my basic need met to be able to feel that love. With common sense, I could easily have seen that the world wasn't lacking love as a feeling. In fact love was the justification to allow the abuse to perpetuate itself. Later on when I have been expose to the Desteni material I have been snapped out of my delusion. I realize that Emoto wasn't in fact understanding what the fuck he was doing lol. I realize that the structure of the water crystal was in fact a reflection of our consciousness. I realize that trying to use love as a feeling to bring any change in this world was retarded. 

Later on, I realize that real love is shown through real action in the physical world. A mother that feed her child is doing an act of real love. A parent that wake up in the middle of the night to take care of his child that is crying despite of how he feel is doing an act of love. Real love is in fact measurable in the physical world. Love as a feeling can always been use to deceive and manipulate other. 


So in the fucked up system we are currently living in, what would be the greatest act of love possible if love is what we do. If we look at the amount of people that die from starvation everyday, we might realize that we are not that loving.

 With that in mind, Creating a world system that's best for all become the greatest act of love that someone could ever conceive. Do we know all the detail ? Nope, but we know that everybody have basic need. So let's start there.  

I am not stupid, I know that I won't change the system on my own. I must be self-honest and ask myself if I as individual is doing the right thing to bring change within the system so we could eventually have a world that's best for all.


Thursday, 3 December 2020

Day 77 : The principle of self-trust


8. The Principle of Self-Trust

No matter what hardships, failures, and mistakes I may face, I always come back to myself and the principles that I stand as. I will not give up or allow myself to blame others for the circumstances of my life or how I choose to live it. I take absolute self-responsibility. ( source : ( 

It's virtually impossible to have any form of Self-Trust if I have not clearly define the the principles that I chose to stand as. The principles are stable, emotion and feelings are not. Once I have establish a stable reference point, I must then trust myself that I will do my best to live those principles , not out of belief, but out of common sense and understanding of the fact that living those principle will end my inner personal conflict. 

Once the guideline, have been establish, it's then easier to trust myself, because I have a measurable reference point and I can see if I am deceiving myself or not.

Now I can direct myself moment by moment and trust myself that I will do what I see as being best in every moment. My understand of what's best can still be limited in certain case, but that's where self-trust come in. I must within my current limited understanding trust myself and the best I can with what I have. When I find myself making mistake, I can learn lesson from them and move forward. 

Self-Trust is essential to move forward. It's ok to observe those who are more advance in their process and take advice from them, but at the end, I must be the one that direct myself. If I rely on any external force to move myself, I am not directing myself and give away my responsibility. In fact, I shouldn't never trust anyone else than myself, that would be stupid. As we move on, everyone will learn how to trust themselves and develop real integrity. Therefore instead, of asking to people to trust me, I rather show to them how to they can trust themselves. I like this audio from Bernard where he say that he is not interest of anyone trusting him, he is interested about people trusting themselves. That make sense ! 

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Day 76 : 7. The Principle of Give as You Would Like to Receive

Considering the context and the lives of each individual being. Considering, regarding, and supporting them in the way that I would have liked to be considered, regarded, and supported had I been in their place and lived their life, where the support that I give does not compromise myself or cause harm to anyone. ( Source : 

The way I lived this principle is that I put myself in the other person shoes like if it was me in another life. Based on the 8 stage of the process I can clearly see where the person is at, what they are ready to hear and what they need to hear. With that starting point in mind I will support that person as I would like to have been support where I was there. When I was delusional for example, I was grateful that someone confront me on this fact and lead me to be self-honest. Later on I was able to see how lying to myself was preventing me to changing for real.

So does give as I would like to receive mean that I will give a hug to every person that I met. Fuck no! I certain case a person will need a tap on the back, but in other case some person need a kick in the ass ( A wake up call). So I am not interested about offering people what they want, I am interested of offering them what they need. Because I am clear within the principle that I am standing for, it's easy to direct myself moment to moment to know what's the best thing to do in every situation. That's exactly how I would like to be treat. I don't want anybody to support my delusion, so I will not do that for anyone else. 

Of course it's a process, and I cannot be perfect on this from the start. But as I move on and learn from my mistake. 

On a collective level, the actual system is based on competition. It make it very hard to give as we would like to receive because we are all busy about our own survival. The ultimate way to give as I would like to receive will be to stand as a groups and change the system so we can cooperate with each other to create a better world for everyone.  Within the limitation of the current system, I can still do my best to create win win win situation.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Day 75 : 6. The Principle of Self-Awareness

An active reflection and seeing of what is happening inside myself - my thoughts, emotions, feelings, reactions, and understanding that I am at all times responsible for what I accept and allow and what I participate in and thus give my power and attention to. To realize that my words become deeds and thus the words I allow within become the actions and consequences I create without. ( source 

I had an interesting experience with Self-Awareness. I always know about self-awareness, but I wasn't really able to lived it without really grasping it why. I remember when I read the books the power of now from Eckart Tolle, I realize that I could actually observe my emotions/feeling and thought. Even if I was aware of that, my mind was still in auto pilot and my level of self-awareness was still pretty low. In fact I had no idea how my mind was actually working. I had no idea where those thought/emotion/feeling was coming from. Since the consumerism have take over the world of personal development, reading some books and listening to some audio on the subject wasn't really helping. Everyone seems to have a different perspective about how the mind works, what's a thought etc. 

It's only when I have been expose to the Desteni tools that I start to actually understanding how the mind was created. The cool thing was that I didn't to believe anything, I could look up myself and see it first hand in the real world. As I started using the tools offer by Desteni, my self awarness start to increase to a level that I had never experience before. Having a higher level of self-awarness allowed me to take a greater level of self responsibility. It allowed me to change to the core. It allowed me to respond completely differently to the challenge of life. Now I can clearly see, that very few people can experience real self-awarness. I can see how Eckart Tolle students will be stuck their entire life. 

Being Self-Aware allowed me to see the lie that I have become. For the first time I started to see clearly how I have deceiving myself and other. I also to start how everyone else was deceiving and manipulating each other. It was crazy. I see the world for what it is : Absolute deception. It was a hard pill to swallow but the good news was that I had finally a way out. I have to walk in reverse. 

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Day 74: 5. The Principle of Self-Responsibility

Living and applying my ability to respond within the realization that I alone am responsible for what I accept and allow inside myself, my relationships, and my outside world. Only I have the power and ability to change that which is compromising who I am, what I live, and how this affects others.( source :

The principle of Self-Responsibility is one of the most empowering concept I have ever been exposed to. The principle of self-responsibility implies that I am the only one that can create change in my life. For many years, I was convinced that I was taking responsibility for everything in my life. I didn't know how wrong I was. Even if I wasn't blaming anything outside of me and saying that I was taking responsibility for everything in my life, I was far from living it. Why? because I had no idea that I was really living the outcome of a pre-program design. Therefore, A higher level of responsibility imply that I must take responsibly for everything that I have accepted and allowed as a part of my structural programming. I must realize the outcome of a programming that is not considering all life. A programming that is based on survival will never have an outcome that is best for all life.I must realize that sooner or later, a collective programming based on self-interest will lead to our own annihilation.

What I end up realizing is that Self-responsibility is in fact a process. I must work on expanding my level of self-responsibility more and more every single day. I must investigate how I am limiting my responsibility and see how I can the highest level possible of responsibility in this world. Walking my own process is a way of expending, my level of responsibility, because it allow me to have a greater level of awareness of the consequence of everything that I say, do or even believe. I must then use the tool to change that fundamental programming for a programming that is the best for all life. That way, I will also benefits on a individual level as well, because by doing what's best, I end up the inner conflict within me.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Day 73 : 4. The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good

4. The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good

I unconditionally investigate, consider, and introspect all aspects, expressions, perspectives, and avenues of life and assess what can practically be applied within the Principle of What is Best for All.  ( source : 

When I investigate the word ''beliefs'' for the first time, I realize that a belief was really just a vague idea that we have accepted as true. I then realize that every beliefs that I had was in fact limiting me. A child for example doesn't have any beliefs, he is pure expression of life, pure potential in a way. He then integrate the set of beliefs from their immediate environment. The problems is that if I chose to investigate something from the filter of my beliefs, I will only see what I want to see and reject everything else. Later on, as I have been expose to the Desteni message, I then realize that what's best for all doesn't require any belief, with common sense, we can both agree on what's in the best interest of all. I often use an extreme example to show the point to other people. I think we can all agree that it's not best for a child to starve. Those who disagree with that are mentally ill and require support. 

So once I realize that, I realize that it would be in my best interest to give up all beliefs. I start from scratch, I will be open and start to investigate everything to find out what's real, what's true. By directing myself with the principle of what's best, if what I am investigating have value or not. By having that in mind, I don't have any background fear of investigating any source of information. It doesn't matter if the information came from the mainstream media, a fucked up documentary on YouTube, A secret society, a channeller, a psychic etc. Of course at some point, I will not waste my time with bullshit either, but not having any fear of  being wrong, give me a massive advantage and allow myself to move faster in my process. 

Investigate everything doesn't stop at investigate the information in the world, I must also investigate everything that is happening within me: thought, emotion, feeling, reaction, fear etc. By increasing my awareness of what's going on within me, I can then clearly see if the way I am programmed is best or not. I can also go deeper and start to investigate my past to understand what I have accepted and allowed that is still holding me back to do what's best in the present.

Day 72: 3. The Principle of Self-Perfection Through Self-Creation

3. The Principle of Self-Perfection Through Self-Creation

Self-Perfection is the process of reflecting on and investigating myself through writing, releasing myself from the past through Self-Forgiveness, and changing myself through Self-Application and living change. These tools allow me to develop a deep intimacy with myself, enabling me to see the workings of who I am, how I came to be this way, and how to create myself into the best possible expression of myself that I can be. (source :

The first time I have been expose to that process, I started to asked myself some question like. Why would I need to forgive myself? Did I done something wrong? I mean I was a good citizen according to the system, so why would I need to correct myself?

Later I realize that I was just limited in my ability to see and fully understand the consequence of was I was doing by participating in a system that was creating abuse by it's very design. Like the red pill in the Matrix, it was a hard pills to swallow. I understand why so much people rather stay in delusion instead of realizing the harm that they are causing in this world in this very existence.If nobody would need to correct themselves, we would have heaven on earth.

In order to understand the process of self-correction, I needed to first understand how my programming have been establish in the first place. I have been explain that in our first 7 years of life we are in phase where we integrate information in our environment at quantum speed. This information that we are exposed to become a part of our fundamental programming. I didn't have to believe anything, I could see it from my very eye. By understanding this concept, the idea of walking in reverse start to make more sense to me. I have to go back to find what will remain, when I will strip myself away from everything that is not me as pure expression of life as I use to be before I got a mind.

The next step for me, was to find what I actually need to forgive. I made a rule for myself to be able to direct myself more effectively in my self-forgiveness. I ask myself is that behaviour is best for all. Another way to say it is, if 7 billions people would have that behaviour, would the world would the world would be better or worse. This is where the self honesty came in. I could attempt to justify my delusion. I must really consider the big picture and not trapped myself into a positivity cycle, where I think I am a good person conceptually. I need to honestly investigate the consequence of what I am doing or not doing.

Now, how do I measure my process. How do I know that my change is real. Well, that's again where self-honesty is require. I have been convince in the past that I had change, when in fact, I only change as character, not fundamentally at the resonant level. I must find measurable way to measure my change in the physical world. Exposing my process is also a way for other people to see if I am changing, or lying to myself. The process is a 7 years process, but what I am always looking at is the next point that limit me to do what's best that I need to work on.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Day 71 : Principle of Self-honesty

2. The Principle of Self-Honesty

Reflecting on myself and seeing every part of me (the good, bad, and ugly) without bias or judgment so that I can take responsibility to change that which I no longer accept and allow 

This particular principle have been life changing for me. At this point, I can affirm with certainty that no REAL change will ever occur until we reach the point of Self-honesty. 

For around 10 years, I have been of a path of personal development. Another way to say it is self-betterment. The problem with that path that I have taken, is that I was denying a part of myself. I wasn't acknowledging the worse part of me. I was seeking my own bliss and trying to discard the other side of the coin. This path have resulted to massive emotional instability. My life was an emotional roller-coaster where I was moving from bliss to depression with great intensity. I have been lucky enough to face a wall at some point in my process. I say lucky enough, because that wall that I have face for myself, force my to take an honest look to my life. It's like if everything that I repress/deny during my entire life was punching me in the face. I couldn't ignore it anymore.

In a way, I can understand why most people avoid being self-honest, because self-honesty is not always pretty. In fact it can be very painful to face what we have accepted and allowed to become a part of who we are, but it's there anyway. If we don't deal with it, we will die with it. 

Everything is in reverse, if we want to find ourselves, we must start to walk backwards. Self-honesty was for me the turning point, where I was able to acknowledge that I was lost. That was the ''stopping point'' where I was able to stop and ask myself, where the fuck I am going? I have then turn around 180 degree and start walking back to were I was coming from to find my way back to home/self. By walking back, I mean investigate every part of me. No more denying/suppressing it was time to face everything in me.

I have then started to use to the tools to take responsibility for everything that I have accepted and allowed myself that wasn't serving me and others. I know that I still have a long way to go, but at this point, I have seen enough results for myself to understand what self-realization is all about. So now it's all about being consistent in my process. Self-honesty will be the way I will keep myself accountable in my process. 

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Day 70 : Principle 1: The Principle of What is Best for All

In this blog, I will investigate how I see and lived the principle of what's best for all.

1. The Principle of What is Best for All

Guiding myself in thought, word and deed to always, in all ways, direct all things to the best possible outcome for all.
Taking into consideration the effects of my thoughts, words and deeds on the world around me (people, plants, animals, environment) and ensuring that the thoughts, words and deeds I am living honour the best potential of myself and all of life on Earth, to the best of my ability.
Standing unconditionally in the shoes of all people and all things, and being able to at the end of the day say that I have fully considered all within the context of creating the best possible outcome for everyone and everything – that I have honoured and considered them in the way that I would like to be honoured and considered. 

One thing that I came to realize overtime is that is I don't consider what's best, I create friction/conflict within me. In every decision that I make, at the end I only have 2 choice. What's best for all or self interest. The choice of self-interest will always add more conflict/polarity/consequence/karma to my experience. Therefore, considering all life is making the choice that actually make the more sense, because I also stop adding suffering and misery to my own individual experience. 

Now the tricky thing is that we currently live in a system that is completely based on self-interest/competition. In order to survive in the current system, it's in fact impossible to do what's best for all life in everything that I am DOING. Therefore, the most important thing in my current understanding is to change the system itself. It's a fact that the current economic system is creating suffering. A huge part of population are born in an environment without opportunity. It doesn't matter how much they hope or pray some peoples are doomed the day they are born. Without a proper education, and the right environment, how does a starving children have any opportunity in this world to raise himself and compete? Most people chose to close  their eye on that fact, that way it doesn't become a threat to their happiness.That's one one the first step I must take on my journey, I must keep my eye open on all of the atrocity in this world. Child slavery, Sex slavery, People dying from starvation, war, poverty etc. I commit to not seek happiness to distract myself to real problem of this world. Instead, I will acknowledge the atrocity of this world and I will acknowledge those things, because they are real. I will find my ''happiness'' by working practically on the solution. I know that if I am working with a group to create a world that is best for all life, I am not creating additional conflict within me. 

The second challenge, is that it's very easy to deceive myself. It's easy to say yeah I am creating a world that is best for all and feel good about myself. But in fact if I don't have any way to measure what I am doing, it's easy to lie to myself. Everyone have a role to play in this. Considering that the 1% most wealthy people of this planet are earning at least 30 000$ per years, that mean that I am a part of the 1% of this world. Bigger power mean bigger responsibility. In the current economic system money is power/possibility whatever we like it or not. The fact that I am in the 1% of this world, mean that I am in a very great position to bring change within this system. I must be very clear about what I am going to do with my life. Without a clear purpose, it will be easy to be dis-tracted. A great leader teach me someday that if we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything. What greater purpose could I have than devoting my life to create a world that is best for all ? What does that mean. Falling in that context would be to stop doing what's best for seeking a feeling. I know it's not gonna be easy. I know I will be tested. Wealth and love will be the ultimate test. When I am tested, I know if my desire to do what's best is ego driven of if it was real. The cool things is that if I remain aware in my process, I can see if I am deceiving myself and change my starting point from ego to really considering what's best for real. 

The third challenge is that alone, it's impossible to have any impact on the system. I must stand within a groups that stand within the same principles if I am serious about changing the system. I was listening to an audio this week ''I do my best under my circumstance''. In this audio Bernard talk about a point that make total sense. He say that if we are not part of a group that is working on changing the economic system, we are literally wasting our time. It make sense, because our current money system allow the abuse to keep going. As long as we must compete with each other in order to have our basic need met, we will keep creating suffering. People that have nothing and no education will have to use violence to survive. It's obvious, we must change the economic system, if we want to create a system that is best for all. 

The fourth challenge is the ego. For that it's easy, I must use a systematic proven way to change. I need to walk my DIP so I can identify and clear every part of me that doesn't give a fuck about life ( in the conscious,subconscious and unconscious mind) I must walk my process and correct myself so I can stand for what's best no matter what within my REAL limitation and not the limitation create in my mind. 

I have a long way to go, but I have try the other way ( self-interest) and I know that it's lead to eternal dissatisfaction. Therefore, I must move forward with the only way out ( what's best for all life)

Day 69: Principles series

At this point in my journey, I see the importance to direct my life by principle in order to be able to constantly move in the right direction and to make sure I am doing the right thing. Therefore, in the next few blogs, I am going to write how I am living every principle of the ''Desteni of living- declaration of principles''.

I will write a blog for every principle and explore everyone of them. By taking the time of investigating everyone of those principle, I will able to apply them in my daily life and not just have a conceptual understanding of them.

Here's the list of principle that I am going to investigate ( source : :

1. The Principle of What is Best for All

Guiding myself in thought, word and deed to always, in all ways, direct all things to the best possible outcome for all.
Taking into consideration the effects of my thoughts, words and deeds on the world around me (people, plants, animals, environment) and ensuring that the thoughts, words and deeds I am living honour the best potential of myself and all of life on Earth, to the best of my ability.
Standing unconditionally in the shoes of all people and all things, and being able to at the end of the day say that I have fully considered all within the context of creating the best possible outcome for everyone and everything – that I have honored and considered them in the way that I would like to be honored and considered.

2. The Principle of Self-Honesty

Reflecting on myself and seeing every part of me (the good, bad, and ugly) without bias or judgment so that I can take responsibility to change that which I no longer accept and allow

3. The Principle of Self-Perfection Through Self-Creation

Self-Perfection is the process of reflecting on and investigating myself through writing, releasing myself from the past through Self-Forgiveness, and changing myself through Self-Application and living change. These tools allow me to develop a deep intimacy with myself, enabling me to see the workings of who I am, how I came to be this way, and how to create myself into the best possible expression of myself that I can be.

4. The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good

I unconditionally investigate, consider, and introspect all aspects, expressions, perspectives, and avenues of life and assess what can practically be applied within the Principle of What is Best for All.

5. The Principle of Self-Responsibility

Living and applying my ability to respond within the realization that I alone am responsible for what I accept and allow inside myself, my relationships, and my outside world. Only I have the power and ability to change that which is compromising who I am, what I live, and how this affects others.

6. The Principle of Self-Awareness

An active reflection and seeing of what is happening inside myself - my thoughts, emotions, feelings, reactions, and understanding that I am at all times responsible for what I accept and allow and what I participate in and thus give my power and attention to. To realize that my words become deeds and thus the words I allow within become the actions and consequences I create without.

7. The Principle of Give as You Would Like to Receive

Considering the context and the lives of each individual being. Considering, regarding, and supporting them in the way that I would have liked to be considered, regarded, and supported had I been in their place and lived their life, where the support that I give does not compromise myself or cause harm to anyone.

8. The Principle of Self-Trust

No matter what hardships, failures, and mistakes I may face, I always come back to myself and the principles that I stand as. I will not give up or allow myself to blame others for the circumstances of my life or how I choose to live it. I take absolute self-responsibility.

9. The Principle of Making Love Real

Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an action sthat is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.

10. Honouring Life in all forms

I expand my awareness and responsibility to consider and create the best possible life for everyone and everything from the large to the small.

11. The Principle of Relationships as Agreements

Individuals coming together to support the manifestation of the best possible versions of ourselves and each other. Nurturing each other's potential and supporting one another to transform weaknesses into strengths. Creating a safe space for the healthy expression of intimacy and sexuality.
See also:

12. The Principle of Visibly Living the Principles

Actively living the proof of what can be accomplished when individuals live their potential by ensuring that these principles come through in all that I do, in all areas of my life, so that the example I set for others always stands for What is Best for All.

13. My Physical Body is My Temple

I honour and support my physical body as an expression of me. I nurture it and care for it in order to ensure my best possible expression in this life. I take into consideration the impact of thoughts and emotions on the physical body and within this I commit myself to practice self-awareness and self-care through not only diet and physical wellness but also internal stability and clarity.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Day 68 : Absolute individuality

Who I am as absolute individual within the concept of what's best for all?

Let's look, at the physical body for an instant. Every cell are playing a role for the optimal functioning of our physical body. Every cell still have individuality, but they are program to do what's best for the body as a whole. If the cells would not operate in harmony, the physical body would collapse very rapidly.

It's fascinating, because nature show us a clear example of what's possible for us human if we would all operate in harmony within the context of what's best for all life. Unfortunately, the mind/ego will never allow it to happen.

So why should I stand as absolute individual. Does individual mean being separate from the rest of the world?. I mean, what about the merging into oneness and dissolving my identity? What about being one with god and all that stuff?

Here's how I see absolute individuality.

- I am my own leader. That doesn't mean that I cannot inspire myself from people that are more advance in their own individual process. That doesn't mean that I cannot take advice from another person or get an additional perspective but I am 100 % in charge of my own process. I am the directive principle of my life.

- I direct myself by principle, not emotion and feeling. Now that I understand where emotion and feeling come from, I also realize that I cannot used them as a way to direct myself. In order to always move into the right direction I need to direct myself by principle. Every action and words that I say must be align with those principles. There's many principle that I am using to direct my life, but the principle of what's best for all is the main one. I am aware that if I don't move toward that direction, I will always continue to create additional conflict within me.

- Taking absolute 100% responsibility for everything and anything. I must take responsibility for every action, emotion, feeling, words and thought. I must acknowledge the consequence of my action on the collective.

- I must Give as I would like to receive. The ego want to take as much as possible. Take take take... until nothing left. By creating a world where everybody can give as they would like to receive we restore the natural balance like every cell contribute to the entire body, but also have their own nutritional need met by that biological system.

- I must stay connected with people that are standing within the same principle. Individual doesn't mean that I must be alone. In fact the power in groups can be used to support me in my individual process. Nobody can do it for me. Alone it's easy for my mind to fucked with me. If I am in a group, other people can make me aware of certain that that I am not aware of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not trust myself enough to stand as an absolute individual

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate individuality with isolation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am alone in my process, but I can still benefits from the support of other people

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek validation instead of standing as absolute individual

I commit myself to stand as absolute individual within the context of what's best for all

I commit myself to take responsibility for everything and never blame anything outside of me.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Day 67 : Together we stand, divided we fall

Recently I realize that when I stay connected with a group of like minded people it's so much easier to stay on track. It's when we isolate ourselves that become very easy for the mind, to screw us.

I thought for a long time that I can just ''do it on my own''. Now I can see that this point was in fact just ego. The mind always want to isolate his host so he can take the control over him. It's hard for the mind to take over his host, when he is communicate openly with another person.

Even if the process is something that is personal, without the support of other, certain points cannot be overcome. It's so clear now that I feel that I have waste many years of my life by refusing any form of support from other people.

If we want to stand up and create change into this system, we must stand up as a groups. Even those who had a massive impact in this world have surround themselves with a groups. Together we stand, divided we fall

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cut myself from other people support

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to thing that I can do it alone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it's easy for the mind to take control if I am alone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I don't have any time to waste, therefore I must stand within a like minded group so I can be as effective as possible within my process

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Day 66 : The allegory of the cave, our preprogramming is the cave

In the Allegory of the cavern, the person that realize the ''truth'' of what the real world was try to go back in the cave and explain to them that the shadow that they are seeing on the wall wasn't the real world. He explain to them how awesome the real world was and explain to them how amazing it is when you are free from the illusion. The guy in the cave just fight him because they don't even have the ability to conceive that this could be true.

Ok so what's the point

The point is that this is a freaking great metaphor with our current situation on this planet.

Our mind is the shadow on the wall.Every thought/emotion/feeling that we have came from a preprogrammed design. It's not real.

The ''real world'' in the allegory is the physical. Our magnificent physical world that we are abusing everyday in order to feed the fantasy that we entertain in our mind for so long.

Desteni is the way to deconstruct the mind and to see what's real. As show in the allegory of the cavern, people will fight to stay into delusion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not acknowledge the physical as real

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to defend an illusion

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing myself by acknowledging what's real

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I cannot conceive outside the limit that I have accepted and allowed for myself

I commit myself realize what's actually real in this world

I commit myself to keep walking my process to deconstruct the mind(illusion) so I can see what's actually real.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Day 65: Keep going no matter what

We have a tendency to think that it's the events that stop us to do what we are supposed to do.
We used situations,events, circumstances as an excuse for not doing what we know what we should do.
Deep down, we know that we are lying to ourselves. We wait for those excuses we are almost looking for them.

Well, one thing that I end up realizing is that the circumstance are rarely in our favour. That is why we need to become the directive principle of our life. We have to keep moving in the right direction no matter what.

What really stop us at the end? Is that circumstance? No, at the end it's emotions and feelings that prevents us to do what we should do. It's our emotional reaction to the circumstance that keep us stock and not what's actually happening.Of course there's some exception to that. Some people are born in atrocious condition where they don't have the opportunity have any impact in this world, but the fact that we have access to internet is a good indicator that we have more than 99% of people on this planet. That alone, put us in a position where we can actually have enough to walk our own process and bring a change in this world through the equation 1+1=2.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed emotion and feeling prevent me from doing what I know I should do

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT be the directive principle of my life when I have faced undesirable circumstance

I commit myself to become the directive principle of my life

I commit myself to realize that my emotion and feeling are coming from my preprograming, therefore, I can not trust them as a way to guide me to do what's best.

Day 64 : Different starting point for the same objective

A world that is Best for all, awesome let's do it
walk a 7 years process to get rid of all of my mental bullshit, sound awesome!
Vlog and blog myself out of hell and expose my process to the general public, cool !

Is wanting to do what is best for all is enough?

I was looking at 2 videos that was talking about our starting point. Consciously, we think that we are doing certain things for a reason. I mean what higher purpose could we have than wanting to create a world that's best for all.

As I was listening to those videos, I realize that in the depth of our unconscious mind could be hidden a totally different starting point that the one that we think we have.

Even the objective of creating a world that is best for all can came from the ego, and not from a space of realization that it is the best thing to do. The nature doesn't do what's best from the starting point of ego.

So where's the problem, if I do what's best anyway?

If the ego is still in charge, it will be impossible to bring real sustainable change anyway.

So do I need to change my objective? No, I just need to change my starting point.

Do I need to figure out every subconscious or unconscious desire right now ? No, it's a process

I don't need to understand everything right now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my starting point is not what I think it is

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even doing what is best can have the ego as starting point

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I must have absolute clarity about my starting point in order to move foward

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my starting point will become more and more clear as I move forward in my process

Day 63 : Transmuting the anger into a greater level of responsibiity

As I observe our freedom being completely striped in order to supposedly '' protect'' us against a supposedly ''deadly'' virus that seems to only exist in people mind, I get a little bit pissed of.

Pissed off of people that are actually begging for having their freedom strip away because of fear
Pissed off of politician that doesn't give a fuck about what's in the best interest of people
Pissed off of everyone acting like completely brainwash zombie.

At the end, what is the real reason why I am pissed of ?

It's really just, an emotion that is an actual reaction of thought that I have created in my mind.

I am creating those scenario in my mind and I react to it emotionally. That's kind of retard.

So what can I do?

Does that mean, that I will do nothing about the situation, knowing that what's actually happening is far from being in the best interest of all?

No that's the point. Being pissed off will not change anything to the situation. It's just my ego fucking with me.

So at the end, I am only pissed off of myself because I am not doing anything about the situation. How the fuck being sit and being pissed off will change anything.

So what can I do ?

The solution always remain the same. If I am not happy about the situation it' up to me to change it. It's my responsibility.

There's a reason why people can't see what I see and I know exactly what it is.

It just seems overwhelming when I think about the big picture, so where do I start.

It's time to go back to the basic: 1+1=2

What's the next person that is ready to get the red pill. That's what I need to focused on.

What pissed me off in this world is what I need to take responsibility to change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel pissed off

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that something outside of me was pissing me off

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility for what I can actually do instead of blaming what's outside of me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel overwhelm

If I find myself being pissed of, I stop and breath

I commit myself to transmute my emotional reaction into practical action in the physical

I commit myself to be the change that I want to see in this world

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 62: The architect in the matrix and the deception of the white light

For context listen to the movie the matrix 1 and 2.

I know it's just a movie, but it's a very great metaphor of the deception we are facing in our current world

In the movie The Matrix Morpheus is relying on the prophecy to direct all of his decision. He have a blind faith in NEO ( the one) that is supposed fulfill the prophecy and end the war between the man and the machine.

When Neo, open the door to fulfill his destiny, he is blinded by an intense white light. Then he met the architect ( The god of the matrix, the creator)

Unfortunately for Neo, God have a bad news for him. Everything was preprogrammed. Every single decision that he made was not his own. Even the famous moment when he chose the red pill wasn't his decision. The architect was the creator of the ultimate deception that was making sure that every human being remain a slave for their entire life.

Neo is devastated to hear the truth, and he his left with only one option if he want to save the human race : Absolute responsibility.

He must give up all hopes, and take charge himselves to end up the war between the man and the machine. It's only when he stop wishing that something external to him would do it for him that he put himselves in a position to do something about the situation.

There's another deception in the movie here, where the people are deceive into believing that a saviours will save everybody ( which is very common in hollywood movie) but that's not the purpose of this blog, so let keep that on the side for now.

Now let's look at our world

We are doing the same fucking thing. Everybody hope, pray, wish that some kind of external force will fix the problems of this planets. Does it really matter who the architect is ? When we take a look at what we are currently experiencing, we can clearly see that it's our collective agreements that allow a system of suffering to perpetuate on this planet.

It's only by taking full responsibility for our life, that we can actually fix the situation. We cannot hope that ''something'' or '' some force'' will came to save us.

There's no GOD coming to do it for us
There's no Jesus coming on a cloud
There's no amount of love ( as a feeling) that will magically fix the system
There's no prayer that will solves anything.

Like in the matrix, all prophesy, God, White light, Love and light, Hope etc. was really just a part of a bigger deception to keep us so distracted that we can never found out what's really going on.  

We have to take responsibility for the consequence that we have collectively created. Unfortunately there's no ''the one'' it's either all of us or none of us.

When 7,5 billions of people will take absolute responsibility for their life, we will have a completely different world. But it's all start with those that actually have a chance to do something about it. We cannot expect a starving children in Africa to change the world. Only 1% of the world earn more than 30 000$ US / years. If you are in that categories, you have enough to be a part of the solution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the system is maintain in place by human being

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect that an external source would do it for me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I don't have the ability to bring change in the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am in the 1 % of this world

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to acknowledge my active participation in a system that create abuse and suffering

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Fear the system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed programming that supress my individual reponsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the simplicity of the 1+1=2 equation

Monday, 9 March 2020

Day 61 : We only have one life to change this world

Do you remember what happened to you before you where born
We cannot remember anything, because memories only
Exist in the mind, and we don’t have a mind when we came into this world, it’s only during the
First 7 years of life that we create our identity based on our environment. We are not a mind, we become a mind.
What does that mean?
Reincarnation or not, we only have one life to change the world.
Even if we would come back, it doesn’t change anything because we always start from zero.
Now as you can see, life has been removed out of the equation on this planet. We are slowly but surely transforming the planet into a huge dump. Poverty keep increasing more and more.
Now let’s imagine that you reincarnate into your next life, and you are born in abject poverty. You have forgot everything, and now there’s no opportunity for you to change anything. At this point you might feel that life is unfair, but in fact, you have an opportunity to create change in this world, but you didn’t take it because you was blind by consumerism.

Just imagine being the child that is making your shoes in your next life. Isn’t what we call Karma?

Anyway the main point is, we only have one life to bring change in this world. We have one life to rebirth ourselves as life.

The good news is that there’s a way out. In order to bring change in the system, we have to start to change ourselves. If one person can change, the world can change, because the world is just a collective agreement. The problem we are facing is that people think they change, but they don’t. They only change on the surface, not on the resonance level. There’s really no way out, we need to follow a proven systematic way that create real change. The turning point is the point of self honesty, when you realize that you’re desire to be more was bullshit then you have to face yourself and start walking backwards.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I have many life to bring change in this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that there’s more than enough time to change the world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we don’t remember anything from before our death

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that reincarnation or not it doesn’t matter, because our actual life is the greatest opportunity for me while I am in the 1% of this world ( 1% being people that earn more than 30 000/year)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if reincarnation does exist my process will be back to zero on my next life because I would just create another mind that would fuck me up

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to recognize that I currently have the greatest opportunity ever right here, right now in this life.

I commit myself to devote my life to bring change in the system and move this world toward a world that is best for all.