9. The Principle of Making Love Real
Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an action sthat is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.( source : https://desteni.org/about-us/desteni-principles)
Few years ago, I have been into my love and light phase, where I was convinced that ''sending'' love was having a positive impact on the world. I mean I studied the work of Emoto and saw how the word ''love'' was creating the perfect beautiful structure of water crystal. When I look back, I realize that my love and light phase was the greatest phase of self-interest I have ever gone through. I could I pretend that love would solves things like poverty when I myself was relying on having my basic need met to be able to feel that love. With common sense, I could easily have seen that the world wasn't lacking love as a feeling. In fact love was the justification to allow the abuse to perpetuate itself. Later on when I have been expose to the Desteni material I have been snapped out of my delusion. I realize that Emoto wasn't in fact understanding what the fuck he was doing lol. I realize that the structure of the water crystal was in fact a reflection of our consciousness. I realize that trying to use love as a feeling to bring any change in this world was retarded.
Later on, I realize that real love is shown through real action in the physical world. A mother that feed her child is doing an act of real love. A parent that wake up in the middle of the night to take care of his child that is crying despite of how he feel is doing an act of love. Real love is in fact measurable in the physical world. Love as a feeling can always been use to deceive and manipulate other.
So in the fucked up system we are currently living in, what would be the greatest act of love possible if love is what we do. If we look at the amount of people that die from starvation everyday, we might realize that we are not that loving.
With that in mind, Creating a world system that's best for all become the greatest act of love that someone could ever conceive. Do we know all the detail ? Nope, but we know that everybody have basic need. So let's start there.
I am not stupid, I know that I won't change the system on my own. I must be self-honest and ask myself if I as individual is doing the right thing to bring change within the system so we could eventually have a world that's best for all.
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