Friday, 3 July 2020

Day 75 : 6. The Principle of Self-Awareness

An active reflection and seeing of what is happening inside myself - my thoughts, emotions, feelings, reactions, and understanding that I am at all times responsible for what I accept and allow and what I participate in and thus give my power and attention to. To realize that my words become deeds and thus the words I allow within become the actions and consequences I create without. ( source 

I had an interesting experience with Self-Awareness. I always know about self-awareness, but I wasn't really able to lived it without really grasping it why. I remember when I read the books the power of now from Eckart Tolle, I realize that I could actually observe my emotions/feeling and thought. Even if I was aware of that, my mind was still in auto pilot and my level of self-awareness was still pretty low. In fact I had no idea how my mind was actually working. I had no idea where those thought/emotion/feeling was coming from. Since the consumerism have take over the world of personal development, reading some books and listening to some audio on the subject wasn't really helping. Everyone seems to have a different perspective about how the mind works, what's a thought etc. 

It's only when I have been expose to the Desteni tools that I start to actually understanding how the mind was created. The cool thing was that I didn't to believe anything, I could look up myself and see it first hand in the real world. As I started using the tools offer by Desteni, my self awarness start to increase to a level that I had never experience before. Having a higher level of self-awarness allowed me to take a greater level of self responsibility. It allowed me to change to the core. It allowed me to respond completely differently to the challenge of life. Now I can clearly see, that very few people can experience real self-awarness. I can see how Eckart Tolle students will be stuck their entire life. 

Being Self-Aware allowed me to see the lie that I have become. For the first time I started to see clearly how I have deceiving myself and other. I also to start how everyone else was deceiving and manipulating each other. It was crazy. I see the world for what it is : Absolute deception. It was a hard pill to swallow but the good news was that I had finally a way out. I have to walk in reverse. 

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