Friday, 10 April 2020

Day 65: Keep going no matter what

We have a tendency to think that it's the events that stop us to do what we are supposed to do.
We used situations,events, circumstances as an excuse for not doing what we know what we should do.
Deep down, we know that we are lying to ourselves. We wait for those excuses we are almost looking for them.

Well, one thing that I end up realizing is that the circumstance are rarely in our favour. That is why we need to become the directive principle of our life. We have to keep moving in the right direction no matter what.

What really stop us at the end? Is that circumstance? No, at the end it's emotions and feelings that prevents us to do what we should do. It's our emotional reaction to the circumstance that keep us stock and not what's actually happening.Of course there's some exception to that. Some people are born in atrocious condition where they don't have the opportunity have any impact in this world, but the fact that we have access to internet is a good indicator that we have more than 99% of people on this planet. That alone, put us in a position where we can actually have enough to walk our own process and bring a change in this world through the equation 1+1=2.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed emotion and feeling prevent me from doing what I know I should do

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT be the directive principle of my life when I have faced undesirable circumstance

I commit myself to become the directive principle of my life

I commit myself to realize that my emotion and feeling are coming from my preprograming, therefore, I can not trust them as a way to guide me to do what's best.

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