Monday, 13 April 2020

Day 67 : Together we stand, divided we fall

Recently I realize that when I stay connected with a group of like minded people it's so much easier to stay on track. It's when we isolate ourselves that become very easy for the mind, to screw us.

I thought for a long time that I can just ''do it on my own''. Now I can see that this point was in fact just ego. The mind always want to isolate his host so he can take the control over him. It's hard for the mind to take over his host, when he is communicate openly with another person.

Even if the process is something that is personal, without the support of other, certain points cannot be overcome. It's so clear now that I feel that I have waste many years of my life by refusing any form of support from other people.

If we want to stand up and create change into this system, we must stand up as a groups. Even those who had a massive impact in this world have surround themselves with a groups. Together we stand, divided we fall

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cut myself from other people support

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to thing that I can do it alone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it's easy for the mind to take control if I am alone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I don't have any time to waste, therefore I must stand within a like minded group so I can be as effective as possible within my process

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