Saturday, 22 June 2019

Day 7 : Image are not real

Before you read that post, if you are on facebook, I encourage you to stop reading, go on your facebook feed and scroll for a few minutes. What are you seeing?

You are seeing image and picture of some kind of ideal.

- Picture of a person smilling
- Picture of a happy baby
- Picture of a happy family
- Picture of a person smilling while they are traveling.
- Picture of an happy marriage
- Picture of the last new car that a person get

Even if there's nothing wrong with that. There's in nothing real with that as well and when we start brainwashing ourselves with those images, and start shooting for that ideal that does not even exist, that's the moment when thing are getting terribly wrong.

Behind the person smiling picture, there's struggle, pain, inner turmoil, fear, etc.
Behind the happy baby picture there's the real life of parenting ( The baby that 's crying all the time, the night of insomnia etc.)
Behind the happy family, there's huge amount of conflict and unresolved issues etc.
Behins the picture of the person who travel, there's struggle, security control in the airport, lack of sleep, fear created by the new environment
Behind the picture of the happy marriage, there's all the up and down of a relationship, the fear of losing the love of the other person, fear of routine etc.
Behind the picture of the new cars, there's often huge debts attach to it that create all kind of struggle.

The point is that none of those picture reflect the reality. And because our imagination is so powerful, if we think that those picture presented to ourselves are real, we start thinking that we need those thing to be happy.

How fucked this is ?

If you think that those images are not affecting you, think about this.

Why does Mcdonald's revenue in 2018 was $21.025B ?
Does the food in Mcdonald is good ?

When you look at the fact, you realize that the food in Mcdonald's is loaded with massive doses of chemicals that damages the brains.

Every single person that I know that eat in that restaurant told be that they feel like crap every time they are eating there.

So in reality, it does make any sense to go there and eat that crap, but unfortunately in your mind, images and pictures override reality.

This is what Mcdonald is, an image.  Guess why they spend billions of dollars in marketing ? They do this so they can create an image in your mind that will override your common sense.

I am sure that some people read this blog, and just by reading the name Mcdonald, you have image that are popping up into your mind. Where those image come from ?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself with image

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let image distract myself from reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let image create fake desire within me and control my reality

I commit myself to investigate and live what is real

I commit myself to see behind the bullshit that is presented through image.

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