Sunday, 16 June 2019

Day 2: we don't fix a flat tire with positive thinking and prayer

How a person respond when they realize that they have a flat tire on their car.
the person is fully aware that something wrong is going on, he slow down carefully, put the vehicle to the side of the road and he take the tool and the spare tire in the trunk of the car. And replace the flat tire. Now that the problem is fixed, they go back on the road and keep their journey.

Now imagine this senario. My tire blow out, instead of stopping the car, I keep rolling on the flat tire and start thinking positively and I pray god. I don't want to focus on what I don't want the flat tire. So I keep rolling and visualize the tire as fixed. Then I make an accident, crash and die.

In the first scenario, I become aware that something wrong was going on, I fix it and keep my journey.

In the second senario, I am in complete absolute denial of the problem and I give away my power to some outside power and end up dying.

Why this is important. It's important because we as humanity are applying the second scenario with our current system.

Nothing work. Everything is fucked, and what are we doing. We think positively and we are praying for thing to get better. How fucked we are ?

And we wonder why we are facing challenge right now on this earth. We are facing challenge, because we refuse to stop when we got a flat tire. And very soon, we will crash and all die if we don't start doing something about what's going on this planet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that prayer and positive thinking would fix the problem of this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that positive thinking is a form of denial and suppression that lead over time to suffering for the individual and the collective

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that positive thinking and being delusional is the same fucking thing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to prefer an imaginary world created in my mind instead of what's is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an attitude of denial

I commit myself be more authentic and real with people

I commit myself to face my inner suffering instead of supressing it with positivity

I commit myself to forgive myself for the suffering that I have created for myself

I commit myself to forgive myself for the suffering that I have created for other

I commit myself to operate from a space of stability instead of a space of polarity

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