For context, listen to scene of the architect from the trilogy the matrix
When Neo discover that Zion is about to be completely destroy his reaction was : Bullshit!
To this the Architect answer that denial is the most predicable of all human responses.
It's just a movie....
Unfortunately, when we look around us, we can realize that denial is the choice that 99,9% of the people are choosing to live.
We are destroying our eco-system
We are polluting the water, the air, the ground
We have base our economy on petrol a limited ressource
We spend our day staring on a fucking phone or tablet
Human relationship are more dysfunctional than ever.
Everyone is more stressed than ever
Everyone is more sick than ever
There's toxic poison in our food
Everybody live in a constant state of fear
And the bad news is, that everything is getting worse and worse.
We are in a mess! The most logical thing to do would be to acknowledge it and DO the corrective action so we can fix the mess.
But nobody want to take responsibility for this mess that we have all collectively created.
We are so trapped in our fucking world of self interest that we rather close our eye on the fact that we are on our way to our own destruction.
What kind of legacy are we gonna leave for the children of this world if we don't stand up and take responsibility to fix this mess. Just by looking at what we done on the last 50 years, this give us a great idea of what the planet will look like in 100 years.
Nothing is gonna change until we take responsibility to change it. The leader of this world will not lead the change since they are making billions of dollars from this mess.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that denial is not an option anymore
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand up in every opportunity that I had to do it
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear standing up
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let my mind direct my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in denial
I commit myself to keep my eye open and face the atrocity we have created in this world
I commit myself to investigate every action that I am doing to see if they are driven by self-interest.
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