Monday, 29 July 2019

Day 36 : 8 stage of the process part 2 of 8 ( Self-Loser)

For context, listen to the video the 8 stages of the process (

Stage 2 : Self-Loser

In the video, Bernard explain that self-loser are those who have reach the pinnacle of deception. They realize that they was just harming other in what they where doing so they collapse in the system. They start participating in everything, they withdraw from society, they give up everything, they become a constant loser.  They see themselves as incapable of doing anything.

I love case this phase the "hippy phase" I have been there at some level. One of the major issues with that stage is that a person see how fucked the system is, but instead of putting themselves in a position where they can do something to change it, they start to reject every aspect of it. The issue is that we can not reject the system, since the this we are dependant from it. Without money, we cannot survive in this system. A perfect example of self-loser was Christopher Mccandless ( The movie Into the wild is about his biography) . He had this mental picture of how wonderful it would be to live alone in the bush in Alaska, but when he finally withdraw himself from society he died after less than 2 months. That's the main problem that Self-Loser are not able to see, we cannot withdraw ourselves from that system, that's why we need to change it. I also have the opportunity to discuss with many hippies that was complaining against the system, but they was totally comfortable about getting the free meal that was provide for the homeless that didn't have the chance to have enough education to get a job. How Ironic, those hippie was judging the people from being a slave of that system, but they was not seeing that their free meal was provide by the system in place they hated so much.

From my experience, the way I have experience that phase was to not realize that in this current system, money is the key factor to put myself in a position where I can create a significant change. I also had a phase where I had travel for months without really realizing what I was looking for. I was not happy with that system for sure, but it never came into my mind that I could do something about it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that money is require to bring change in this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be a Self-loser

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that rejecting the system is a trap, because it put a person in a position where they rely even more on the system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even if this system is completely fucked, I am still dependant on it to survive. Therefore, since I can not withdraw myself from it, the only logical option remaining is to contributing to the best of my ability to change it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use travel as a way to withdraw myself temporary from the system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I am the system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am allowing this system to be the way it is

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing the system

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