Sunday, 14 July 2019

Day 26 : The resonant seed of my life

For context listen to the audio The resonant seed from Benard Poolman.

My understanding of this particular audio is still limited by my level of vocabulary, but I was still able to grasp some very significant points

When I listen to that video, I was blown away by the explanation that Bernard give to the group about what time and events are in reality.

He explain that in a seeds, everything is pre-program. A seeds contain all the events that will unfold through time. 

He then explain that we as human are pre-program, by the genetics we receive from our parents ( the sins of father of the last 7 generations.

From my current understanding, after the first 7 years of the child, the pre-program is complete and the rest of a person life will be as predictable as the future of a plant.

And even if we think we have free will, we are all driven by our unconsious and subconsicous behaviour  anyway. What we think is free will is in fact the illusion of free will since we are trapped in that programming.

If the programming of the last 7 generations was fucked, we are pretty fucked too.

If we hold within our genetic baggage 7 generations of crap, we have a great clean up to do. When we look at the grand scheme of think 7-14 years is not a big deal if it's allowed us to get rid of 7 generations of condemnation.

This audio remind me one particular scene in the trilogy The matrix. Neo, had to make a successions of decisions to be able to met the architect and fulfill the prophecy and end up the war between the man and the machine.

To his amazement, the architect explain to him that every single one of decision was preprogram to lead him where he was at that moment. The fact that he was here at that moment was showing that none of his decision was the product of free will. Even when he chose the red pill, that was pre-program too.

What that audio from Bernard show to me is that every decision that I have make and not make in my past was also predictable.

The great news is that my pre-program have lead me into a place of self-honesty where the real change can start. It's sad to notice that many people destini are to die in denial.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I was pre-program
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that everything in nature is pre-program
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that since I am pre-program, I don't really have free will
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every decision I have made or not made was a reflection of my pre-program
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that pre-program need to be understood and adress in order to create real change.   

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