Friday, 5 July 2019

Day 20 : Ostrich effect and positive thinking

What does ostrich when they feel are afraid ?
They buries their head in the sand.
That way they are not aware of the danger anymore, so they can maintain their fake sens of security.
In reality, they put themselves in greater trouble.  If they would face the treat, they would have a better chance to survive, because they could respond appropriately to the situation.

Did you hear that "positive thinker" ?

While you avoid the "negative" and focus only on the "positive" those who are leading the current system, are  laughing at you, like a predator would laugh of an ostrich that buries his head in the sand when they are about to be eaten. In our case, the people in control of this system will not eat you, but they will extract every single dollars they can from you until you die.

Let be clear, positive thinking will not fix this system. Denial is not an option anymore! It's about time that we stop bullshitting ourselves with that junk.

Will you buries your head in the sand this time or will you keep reading ?

We have serious issues on this planet right now. Unfortunately, almost nobody is willing to stand up because we are all too much busy pursuing an mental conception of happiness, that have been created for profit as explain in the documentary the century of the self.

Do you want to know how to be happy? Acknowledge the state of the world, stand up and start doing something about it. And one last point, stop trying to be happy.

 When you will KNOW you are doing the right thing, you will find yourself feeling better about yourself than ever.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I am in denial about what's going on, I am as stupid as an ostrich that buries his head in the sand in the face of danger

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that positive thinking is denial

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize  that I will never be able to deal with something, if I am in denial about it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that positive thinking is maintaining the current system in place

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to close my eye on the injustice of this planet

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that positive thinking is increasing the feeling of separation, therefore create more misery on this planet

* After writing this I wonder why in the world an ostrich would do that. I have done some research and realize it's a myth. So to the light of this new information, I can confirm that ostrich are way smarter than the human to deal with a threat. I have leave the blog unchanged so you can clearly get my initial point.  Here's the explanation of where the myth come from.

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