The reasoning behind that question was that I could see that real change take time, dedication and constant application. Breaking free from the ego take everything that we have.
And I was looking at the world, where the brainwashing is really extensive where people don't hesitate to sacrifice their health and their children health in the name of their personal interest.
I could see how easily the population can be manipulated.
I could see the crystallization of the mind and see how hard it is for an adult walk their self-corrective process.
So acknowledging what I was seeing in reality, bring that thought to my mind : Is it too late?
The interesting thing that I have observed for the people that ''think it's too late'' is that they will immediately go back to their self-interest, and try to accumulate as much feeling/pleasures before they die, so they can extract the most possible energy from this life, before they end.
So the fascinating point that I could see was that accepting the point within myself of ''It's too late'' would be nothing more than a strategy from my ego to escape responsibility and go back to seeking my own self-interest to the detriment of other.
Interestingly enough, I already taken that road around 14 years ago, when one of my friend suddenly died. Instead of asking myself how I could bring real value into this world, while I am here, I went into the complete opposite and just want to take as much possible from this life. In this process, I went into extremely destructive behavior and it lead me to a situation where I was in an even worse position.
So what would be the best way to respond to that existential question '' Is it too late?''
Instead of making a movie in my mind about it, I can simply go back to the basic and ask myself how can I can take responsibility for what's here. Who do I need to become in order to be able to do something about the bigger picture? What limitation I am currently accepting within myself?
If we really look at it, it's far from being game over.
Life would never wonder if it is too late
The sun would never wonder if it's too late
The earth would never wonder if it's too late
The physical body never wonder if it's too late
They are just here, and they do what they need to do in the moment
So that point of '' It's too late'' is just a mind point that have nothing to do with the physical reality. It's just an excuse for not taking responsibility.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that ''it's too late""
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that thinking it's too late is just a way to escape self-responsibility
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to doubt myself
When and as I see myself thinking '' It's too late'' I stop and breath
I realize that ''It's too late'' is just a program in my mind to try to escape self-responsibility
Thus, I commit myself to take responsibility for what's here
I commit push through my limitation
I commit myself to take responsibility for my inner reaction
I commit myself to bring myself back here
I commit myself to do what I need to do.
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