First let's take a look at the word hope
a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
The problem with hope, is that we are relying on outside circumstance in order to fix the problems. In another word, when we say I hope, we basically say : I am not willing to do it myself so I expect that the other person will do it at my place.
Hope is not without consequence. In fact a person that rely on hope is under control, because you cannot be in charge of your life and be in a state of hope at the same time. It's a deep issue when we really think about it. When we are in hope we give up our authority ( AUTHORity). On a individual level, that's mean that we let someone else be the author of our life. Who want that ?
When we really see hope for what it is. We can clearly see that hope is incredibly detrimental for the world. It's not by any chance that religion have massively promote hope. By selling hope to people, they was able to maintain control. If every person of this planet give up hope, they lose the control that is maintained by hope.
Even if religion system are falling apart, the programming of hope is still very present.
In order to increase our level of responsibilty, we must give up all hope.
What people will start doing when they will have give up hope ? they will start acting and moving toward the solution. They will take individual responsibility. They will stop blaming outside circumstance for what's happening into their life. They will become more effective within the system. They will free themselve from the mental torture created by hope.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that hope is bullshit
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that hope is something that have been programmed into my dna in the first 7 years of my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have hope
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I could be responsible for my life and have hope.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the suffering that's created by having hope
I commit myself to give up all hope
I commit myself to rely on responsibility instead of hope
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