Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Day 38 : 8 stage of the process part 4 of 8 ( Self-delusioner)

For context listen to the audio 8 stage of the process (

In this blog we will adress the stage number 4 : the self delusioner. 

In the audio, Bernard explain that self-delusioner are talking themself into delusion. To create their delusion by using thing like mediation, mantra, prayer, energy work, light work. They them promote their delusion as if it was real.

He aslo explain that the main problem with that stage is that people, are on a path of self-betterment instead of a path of self-perfection. Instead of acknowledge their equality with other human being, they start seeing themself as more than other, or as better than other. This increase the gap of separation between them and other human being and will lead them to the extreme point of polarity.

I know exactly what it is because I have been there. I have invest 10 years into my "self-betterment". I wasn't aware that I was in fact increasing the gap of separation and creating misery within myself. Exactly like mention in the audio, I have reach the extreme of polarity, where I was no longer able to maintain that delusion that I had created for myself. My entire delusion have collapse. Even if this has not happen without suffering, this was necessary to me to move to the next stage.

I can now clearly see the self-delusioner of this world. Many of them put themselves in a position of leader/authority to reinforce their delusion and end up having thousands of follower. Many of them, will never be able to to reach the point of self-honesty and see the lie that they have become. At this point their ego is too big. they can't admit that everything that they convince themselves and their follower was a lie.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a self-delusioner

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that become a self-delusioner was a necessary step toward self-honesty

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that mediation,energy work etc. are not fixing the real problem of this world. In fact those thing maintain a person in denial and prevent any real change to occur

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to close my eye on the suffering of this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that self-betterment is in fact increasing the gap of separation and therefore creating more conflict/friction that lead to more suffering on a individual and collective level.

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