Recently I realize something very cool.
When you do what's best for all, there's no inner conflict
In the past I always had that desire to have an impact, but I realize that everything that I was trying wasn't having any impact whatsoever on the world.
I very often ending up justifying myself and pretending in my mind that I was doing something good for the world.
The problem was that my understanding of good was limited and pre-program. I wasn't aware that good as polarity contain the bad in itself.
So how can I have a ''positive'' impact if doing what's good doesn't work.
I was trapped in that cycle. Trapped in that inner conflict that seems to have no way out.
As the time went on and I multiply failure after failure, I end up realizing that my life wasn't going anywhere no matter how hard I was trying to get out of that cycle, I was only looping myself and always end up at the same starting point. You can probably imagine the frustration that I was experiencing at that point. It felt like if I was lost in bush, walked for 3 days and realize that I would be back that the point where I was when I started walking.
At some point I have been introduce to the concepts of doing what is best for all. The first time I heard about that I almost immediately discard it, because I was not able to process it. It was too overwhelming to me to think that I could do what is best for all life.
As I keep investigate more more that concept, start to walk my process and start to increase my processing ability, I started to SEE for the first time what best for all means. I understand the ''why'' behind the process. I also came to realize that the process is useless if I don't have in mind what's best for all in the application of the tools.
As I experience more and more results, everything get clearer and clearer.
At some point I got a massive realization. I realize that if know with absolute certainty that I am doing what is best for all, I am on my way to end up the inner conflict within me. I came to realize that I don't just loop myself within a polarity cycle when I do what's best because I include everyone and everything.If I really do what's best, I have nothing to fear. At this point self-awareness become really really important so I am not fooling myself.
It's so easy to justify an action that is not best by pretending that it is. This is where self-honesty came in. Deep down we all know what's best, it's just about being honest about it.
I came to understood that there's no path because everything is here. It's all about correcting myself as what is best here in every moment, in every breath. That also include what I am actually doing to bring what is best in the physical.
I put that to the test in the last couple of months. The results have been mind blowing. For the first time of my life, I know I am doing the right thing, I see my life changing for real. I also see other people in my environment changing. People interact with me in a different way. That time I didn't just change in my mind, I am REALLY changing. It feel like if I was starting to live for real, because when I know that I am doing what's best, I don't have any backgrounds fear, because when I really do what is best, I don't have nothing to hide.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there's not friction in doing what's best for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there's no fear in doing what's best for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a world that is best for all is the only way out.
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