Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Day 60 : The end of my DIP Lite, the begining of my process !

Yesterday I have complete the DIP Lite process. By looking back I was able to see the amazing transformation that occur in my life in the last few months by going through this process.

I try so many things over the years, I read many books, I study many personal development programs. In my mind, I had a pretty clear understanding of how the minds works and I thought that I was ''advanced'' in my development. I was categorically wrong. At that time I didn't know the difference between changing or thinking that I am changing. I was spending so much energy trying to convince myself that I was changing that I was avoiding facing the fact that at the core I was still the same. The character on the surface did change, but to the core I was exactly the same. A quick look at my life was validating that fact.

Why I didn't change even after I read all those books and went to all those programs ? Because I wasn't going in the right direction. I didn't realize at that time that : '' everything is in reverse''

That realization was one of the most profound things that have ever happen to me. In one of his audio Bernard express it this way '' Everything is in reverse, so when you start walking backwards you end up finding what's going on''. It's just common sense when I look at it now, how could I have miss that for so long.

The reason why I never REALLY change with the other tools I was using was because I wasn't walking in reverse. I was obsess by my own self-betterment. The problems was that I wasn't realizing that by trying to make myself better and discarding all other human being, I was in fact mentally increasing the gap between me an other human being. The perfect recipe to end up in complete misery. The great things with life is that when you are surfing on the wave of delusion, you inevitably end up crashing big time. When you crash you are ready lol. Because the door is then wide open for self-honesty. Being honest about what ? Honest about the fact that I was a living lie !

 I have been introduce to the concept of responsibility in the past, and in my mind, I was taking responsibility for everything in my life. Again, I wasn't taking responsibility at all, because I wasn't taking responsibility for all my automated thought/emotion/feelings that was operating in the backgrounds of my mind as I was going throughout the day.

How could I claim to take responsibility when I am not even in control of what's happening within me ?

That's when the real change start for me. When I stop to try to make myself better. Instead of that, I acknowledged how completely fucked the backchat that was dictating my behaviour was. The cool thing was that the DIP Lite was offering the tools to deconstruct all those pattern that was making up my inner hell !

So now instead of trying to change thing on the surface, I was able to confront and deal with all that fucked up programming. I could finally face my ''demons'' for real.

So that's when the journey really started for me. I then identify many points that I want to work on.

The great thing with that process is that the more I was using it and the more I was becoming self-aware of what was going on inside of me. I could literally see how I was looping myself within recurring pattern of though/emotion/feeling.

I was only repeating certain experience over and over again.

As I become aware of those things, I started using the tools to deconstruct them.

After around 1 years of introspection, self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self corrective application, the change that I have experience in my life have been very impressive. Here's few of the things that I have experience.

The fear of what other people think of me have virtually completely vanish. As a results of that, I have been able to create my own YouTube channel, where I can freely share about virtually any subject.This have also allowed me to start my business and to worked in the field of sales. This would have been impossible for me to do before, because I couldn't stand being rejected. I am more authentic in my relationship with people, because I can express myself more freely because I don't have that backgrounds fear of being disliked.

Before DIP Lite, I was an horrible communicator. That was just the results of years of suppression that just build that big ball of emotions/feeling that was preventing me to express myself clearly. Now that I have deconstruct all those things, my ability to communicate have just skyrocketed! I could speak on a stage without problems now ! I will probably do it in a close future.

Without going in great details here's few others benefits that I have experiences. I feel more alive than I ever feel. I found my purpose in my life, I make things happen, my relationship with people are better than ever. I feel better in my body that I have ever felt. I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been.

Of course my life is not perfect, I am still falling from time to time, but it's just because I have more work to do. The entire process is 7 years, so I am really just scratching the surface of it.But the great things is that we don't have to wait 7 years to started having the benefits. After only one months of dedicate application, I was already starting to see great results.

So now, I am really just at the beginning of the beginning. I am really excited about continuing to walk my process, because now I KNOW the incredible value of those tools.

Thanks for the Desteni groups for making all of this possible. The DIP Lite is really a gift to humanity, a gift that everyone should offer to themselves.

Thanks to my buddy for reviewing my process and making sure I wasn't going off track.

I am looking forward to start the DIP PRO !!


  1. Awesome! I can also attest to the 'world-changing', mind-blowing effectiveness of DIP! Thank you for sharing your story!
