Sunday, 12 January 2020

Day 58: When we have nothing left to hide... we are free!

I was pondering about the concept of freedom.
One teacher have explain me that freedom was having nothing left to lose.
In some way, it's true, but I thing that there's still place for misinterpretation.
People then start thinking that freedom is being free from relationship or material possession, but even those that doesn't have physical possession, are still possess. Possess by the mind. That little voice in the head that judge all the time is possessing the physical body and create an inner hell in every human being. Nobody talk about it. Everyone is ashamed of what's going on in their secret mind.

The mind/ego is operating in secret and his deepest fear is to be exposed. You don't believe that don't you ? Think about that this way.

Let's imagine that every thought that you have would be recorded on a tape and written on paper. All the judgments, fears, secret desire,  all on tape. All the pictures that you have created in your mind, put on video tape. Then we take all library of your mind and we make it accessible to every human being on this planet. Everybody can look at every single thought that you have in your mind. How would you feel about that.

If you are not comfortable being completely exposed, that show that you have something to hide. And because you have something to hide, you are in a perpetual state of fear. The fear of being exposed.

Now let's imagine that your entire thinking would be thought of consideration for all life. No judgments at all, no manipulation, no fear. Complete self-honesty. Would you be afraid having your mind exposed to the entire planet? No you would not have anything to hide. Therefore you would not have any fear. You could operate in this world without having that perpetual fear that someone could discover what's happening in your secret mind. That sounds like REAL freedom to me.

As long as we have the intention of doing what's NOT best for all life, we will have something to hide and we will remain a slave of our mind.

Do you want to live a life of freedom or slavery ?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as long as I have something to hide, I cannot be free

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility for everything that is happening in the secret mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that freedom is not about having nothing left to lose, it's about having nothing left to hide.

When I found myself having a thought that doesn't consider all life, I stop and breath.

I commit myself to walk my process and deconstruct every programs/patters that doesn't consider all life

I commit myself to be aware of the consequence of the secret mind

1 comment:

  1. Those are some razorsharp observations about a very complex subject beautyifully simplified and explained. Props Man!
