4. The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good
unconditionally investigate, consider, and introspect all aspects,
expressions, perspectives, and avenues of life and assess what can
practically be applied within the Principle of What is Best for All. ( source : https://desteni.org/about-us/desteni-principles)
When I investigate the word ''beliefs'' for the first time, I realize that a belief was really just a vague idea that we have accepted as true. I then realize that every beliefs that I had was in fact limiting me. A child for example doesn't have any beliefs, he is pure expression of life, pure potential in a way. He then integrate the set of beliefs from their immediate environment. The problems is that if I chose to investigate something from the filter of my beliefs, I will only see what I want to see and reject everything else. Later on, as I have been expose to the Desteni message, I then realize that what's best for all doesn't require any belief, with common sense, we can both agree on what's in the best interest of all. I often use an extreme example to show the point to other people. I think we can all agree that it's not best for a child to starve. Those who disagree with that are mentally ill and require support.
So once I realize that, I realize that it would be in my best interest to give up all beliefs. I start from scratch, I will be open and start to investigate everything to find out what's real, what's true. By directing myself with the principle of what's best, if what I am investigating have value or not. By having that in mind, I don't have any background fear of investigating any source of information. It doesn't matter if the information came from the mainstream media, a fucked up documentary on YouTube, A secret society, a channeller, a psychic etc. Of course at some point, I will not waste my time with bullshit either, but not having any fear of being wrong, give me a massive advantage and allow myself to move faster in my process.
Investigate everything doesn't stop at investigate the information in the world, I must also investigate everything that is happening within me: thought, emotion, feeling, reaction, fear etc. By increasing my awareness of what's going on within me, I can then clearly see if the way I am programmed is best or not. I can also go deeper and start to investigate my past to understand what I have accepted and allowed that is still holding me back to do what's best in the present.