Monday, 11 May 2020

Day 71 : Principle of Self-honesty

2. The Principle of Self-Honesty

Reflecting on myself and seeing every part of me (the good, bad, and ugly) without bias or judgment so that I can take responsibility to change that which I no longer accept and allow 

This particular principle have been life changing for me. At this point, I can affirm with certainty that no REAL change will ever occur until we reach the point of Self-honesty. 

For around 10 years, I have been of a path of personal development. Another way to say it is self-betterment. The problem with that path that I have taken, is that I was denying a part of myself. I wasn't acknowledging the worse part of me. I was seeking my own bliss and trying to discard the other side of the coin. This path have resulted to massive emotional instability. My life was an emotional roller-coaster where I was moving from bliss to depression with great intensity. I have been lucky enough to face a wall at some point in my process. I say lucky enough, because that wall that I have face for myself, force my to take an honest look to my life. It's like if everything that I repress/deny during my entire life was punching me in the face. I couldn't ignore it anymore.

In a way, I can understand why most people avoid being self-honest, because self-honesty is not always pretty. In fact it can be very painful to face what we have accepted and allowed to become a part of who we are, but it's there anyway. If we don't deal with it, we will die with it. 

Everything is in reverse, if we want to find ourselves, we must start to walk backwards. Self-honesty was for me the turning point, where I was able to acknowledge that I was lost. That was the ''stopping point'' where I was able to stop and ask myself, where the fuck I am going? I have then turn around 180 degree and start walking back to were I was coming from to find my way back to home/self. By walking back, I mean investigate every part of me. No more denying/suppressing it was time to face everything in me.

I have then started to use to the tools to take responsibility for everything that I have accepted and allowed myself that wasn't serving me and others. I know that I still have a long way to go, but at this point, I have seen enough results for myself to understand what self-realization is all about. So now it's all about being consistent in my process. Self-honesty will be the way I will keep myself accountable in my process. 

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Day 70 : Principle 1: The Principle of What is Best for All

In this blog, I will investigate how I see and lived the principle of what's best for all.

1. The Principle of What is Best for All

Guiding myself in thought, word and deed to always, in all ways, direct all things to the best possible outcome for all.
Taking into consideration the effects of my thoughts, words and deeds on the world around me (people, plants, animals, environment) and ensuring that the thoughts, words and deeds I am living honour the best potential of myself and all of life on Earth, to the best of my ability.
Standing unconditionally in the shoes of all people and all things, and being able to at the end of the day say that I have fully considered all within the context of creating the best possible outcome for everyone and everything – that I have honoured and considered them in the way that I would like to be honoured and considered. 

One thing that I came to realize overtime is that is I don't consider what's best, I create friction/conflict within me. In every decision that I make, at the end I only have 2 choice. What's best for all or self interest. The choice of self-interest will always add more conflict/polarity/consequence/karma to my experience. Therefore, considering all life is making the choice that actually make the more sense, because I also stop adding suffering and misery to my own individual experience. 

Now the tricky thing is that we currently live in a system that is completely based on self-interest/competition. In order to survive in the current system, it's in fact impossible to do what's best for all life in everything that I am DOING. Therefore, the most important thing in my current understanding is to change the system itself. It's a fact that the current economic system is creating suffering. A huge part of population are born in an environment without opportunity. It doesn't matter how much they hope or pray some peoples are doomed the day they are born. Without a proper education, and the right environment, how does a starving children have any opportunity in this world to raise himself and compete? Most people chose to close  their eye on that fact, that way it doesn't become a threat to their happiness.That's one one the first step I must take on my journey, I must keep my eye open on all of the atrocity in this world. Child slavery, Sex slavery, People dying from starvation, war, poverty etc. I commit to not seek happiness to distract myself to real problem of this world. Instead, I will acknowledge the atrocity of this world and I will acknowledge those things, because they are real. I will find my ''happiness'' by working practically on the solution. I know that if I am working with a group to create a world that is best for all life, I am not creating additional conflict within me. 

The second challenge, is that it's very easy to deceive myself. It's easy to say yeah I am creating a world that is best for all and feel good about myself. But in fact if I don't have any way to measure what I am doing, it's easy to lie to myself. Everyone have a role to play in this. Considering that the 1% most wealthy people of this planet are earning at least 30 000$ per years, that mean that I am a part of the 1% of this world. Bigger power mean bigger responsibility. In the current economic system money is power/possibility whatever we like it or not. The fact that I am in the 1% of this world, mean that I am in a very great position to bring change within this system. I must be very clear about what I am going to do with my life. Without a clear purpose, it will be easy to be dis-tracted. A great leader teach me someday that if we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything. What greater purpose could I have than devoting my life to create a world that is best for all ? What does that mean. Falling in that context would be to stop doing what's best for seeking a feeling. I know it's not gonna be easy. I know I will be tested. Wealth and love will be the ultimate test. When I am tested, I know if my desire to do what's best is ego driven of if it was real. The cool things is that if I remain aware in my process, I can see if I am deceiving myself and change my starting point from ego to really considering what's best for real. 

The third challenge is that alone, it's impossible to have any impact on the system. I must stand within a groups that stand within the same principles if I am serious about changing the system. I was listening to an audio this week ''I do my best under my circumstance''. In this audio Bernard talk about a point that make total sense. He say that if we are not part of a group that is working on changing the economic system, we are literally wasting our time. It make sense, because our current money system allow the abuse to keep going. As long as we must compete with each other in order to have our basic need met, we will keep creating suffering. People that have nothing and no education will have to use violence to survive. It's obvious, we must change the economic system, if we want to create a system that is best for all. 

The fourth challenge is the ego. For that it's easy, I must use a systematic proven way to change. I need to walk my DIP so I can identify and clear every part of me that doesn't give a fuck about life ( in the conscious,subconscious and unconscious mind) I must walk my process and correct myself so I can stand for what's best no matter what within my REAL limitation and not the limitation create in my mind. 

I have a long way to go, but I have try the other way ( self-interest) and I know that it's lead to eternal dissatisfaction. Therefore, I must move forward with the only way out ( what's best for all life)

Day 69: Principles series

At this point in my journey, I see the importance to direct my life by principle in order to be able to constantly move in the right direction and to make sure I am doing the right thing. Therefore, in the next few blogs, I am going to write how I am living every principle of the ''Desteni of living- declaration of principles''.

I will write a blog for every principle and explore everyone of them. By taking the time of investigating everyone of those principle, I will able to apply them in my daily life and not just have a conceptual understanding of them.

Here's the list of principle that I am going to investigate ( source : :

1. The Principle of What is Best for All

Guiding myself in thought, word and deed to always, in all ways, direct all things to the best possible outcome for all.
Taking into consideration the effects of my thoughts, words and deeds on the world around me (people, plants, animals, environment) and ensuring that the thoughts, words and deeds I am living honour the best potential of myself and all of life on Earth, to the best of my ability.
Standing unconditionally in the shoes of all people and all things, and being able to at the end of the day say that I have fully considered all within the context of creating the best possible outcome for everyone and everything – that I have honored and considered them in the way that I would like to be honored and considered.

2. The Principle of Self-Honesty

Reflecting on myself and seeing every part of me (the good, bad, and ugly) without bias or judgment so that I can take responsibility to change that which I no longer accept and allow

3. The Principle of Self-Perfection Through Self-Creation

Self-Perfection is the process of reflecting on and investigating myself through writing, releasing myself from the past through Self-Forgiveness, and changing myself through Self-Application and living change. These tools allow me to develop a deep intimacy with myself, enabling me to see the workings of who I am, how I came to be this way, and how to create myself into the best possible expression of myself that I can be.

4. The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good

I unconditionally investigate, consider, and introspect all aspects, expressions, perspectives, and avenues of life and assess what can practically be applied within the Principle of What is Best for All.

5. The Principle of Self-Responsibility

Living and applying my ability to respond within the realization that I alone am responsible for what I accept and allow inside myself, my relationships, and my outside world. Only I have the power and ability to change that which is compromising who I am, what I live, and how this affects others.

6. The Principle of Self-Awareness

An active reflection and seeing of what is happening inside myself - my thoughts, emotions, feelings, reactions, and understanding that I am at all times responsible for what I accept and allow and what I participate in and thus give my power and attention to. To realize that my words become deeds and thus the words I allow within become the actions and consequences I create without.

7. The Principle of Give as You Would Like to Receive

Considering the context and the lives of each individual being. Considering, regarding, and supporting them in the way that I would have liked to be considered, regarded, and supported had I been in their place and lived their life, where the support that I give does not compromise myself or cause harm to anyone.

8. The Principle of Self-Trust

No matter what hardships, failures, and mistakes I may face, I always come back to myself and the principles that I stand as. I will not give up or allow myself to blame others for the circumstances of my life or how I choose to live it. I take absolute self-responsibility.

9. The Principle of Making Love Real

Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an action sthat is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.

10. Honouring Life in all forms

I expand my awareness and responsibility to consider and create the best possible life for everyone and everything from the large to the small.

11. The Principle of Relationships as Agreements

Individuals coming together to support the manifestation of the best possible versions of ourselves and each other. Nurturing each other's potential and supporting one another to transform weaknesses into strengths. Creating a safe space for the healthy expression of intimacy and sexuality.
See also:

12. The Principle of Visibly Living the Principles

Actively living the proof of what can be accomplished when individuals live their potential by ensuring that these principles come through in all that I do, in all areas of my life, so that the example I set for others always stands for What is Best for All.

13. My Physical Body is My Temple

I honour and support my physical body as an expression of me. I nurture it and care for it in order to ensure my best possible expression in this life. I take into consideration the impact of thoughts and emotions on the physical body and within this I commit myself to practice self-awareness and self-care through not only diet and physical wellness but also internal stability and clarity.