Do you remember what happened to you before you where born
We cannot remember anything, because memories only
Exist in the mind, and we don’t have a mind when we came into this world, it’s only during the
First 7 years of life that we create our identity based on our environment. We are not a mind, we become a mind.
What does that mean?
Reincarnation or not, we only have one life to change the world.
Even if we would come back, it doesn’t change anything because we always start from zero.
Now as you can see, life has been removed out of the equation on this planet. We are slowly but surely transforming the planet into a huge dump. Poverty keep increasing more and more.
Now let’s imagine that you reincarnate into your next life, and you are born in abject poverty. You have forgot everything, and now there’s no opportunity for you to change anything. At this point you might feel that life is unfair, but in fact, you have an opportunity to create change in this world, but you didn’t take it because you was blind by consumerism.
Just imagine being the child that is making your shoes in your next life. Isn’t what we call Karma?
Anyway the main point is, we only have one life to bring change in this world. We have one life to rebirth ourselves as life.
The good news is that there’s a way out. In order to bring change in the system, we have to start to change ourselves. If one person can change, the world can change, because the world is just a collective agreement. The problem we are facing is that people think they change, but they don’t. They only change on the surface, not on the resonance level. There’s really no way out, we need to follow a proven systematic way that create real change. The turning point is the point of self honesty, when you realize that you’re desire to be more was bullshit then you have to face yourself and start walking backwards.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I have many life to bring change in this world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that there’s more than enough time to change the world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we don’t remember anything from before our death
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that reincarnation or not it doesn’t matter, because our actual life is the greatest opportunity for me while I am in the 1% of this world ( 1% being people that earn more than 30 000/year)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if reincarnation does exist my process will be back to zero on my next life because I would just create another mind that would fuck me up
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to recognize that I currently have the greatest opportunity ever right here, right now in this life.
I commit myself to devote my life to bring change in the system and move this world toward a world that is best for all.